Monday 10 August 2015


Serves 8 - 4 propoints per serve
Total 31 propoints

1 brown onion, diced (0pp)
3 carrots, diced (0pp)
3 celery sticks, diced (0pp)
3 cloves garlic, minced (0pp)
200g coliban potato, peeled and diced into cubes (3pp)
150g speck, diced (8pp)
800g diced tin tomatoes (0pp)
8 cups salt reduced chicken stock (3pp)
1 zucchini, diced (0pp)
420g can five bean mix, drained and rinsed (6pp)
125g small shell pasta (11pp)
Oil spray, if necessary

In large pot, spray a little oil to coat (if not non stick).    Add onion, carrots, celery and speck and sauté for 3 minutes until onions are translucent and vegetables are starting to soften.  Add potato  and garlic and cook for further 2 minutes stirring occasionally.  Add canned tomatoes and chicken stock.  Bring to boil then reduce to a simmer for 25 minutes stirring occasionally.  Add in drained beans, zucchini and pasta and cook until pasta is soft.  Stir pot every couple of mins so pasta doesn't stick to pot.  Season with salt and pepper to taste. 

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